Barr engineering
The Challenge

To develop a series of videos to demonstrate how Barr Engineering's team delivers on working together, across industries to deliver results, C+S used a full range of tools - from live production to animation to stock footage to tell the story.


Barr asked C+S to help them tell their story - Barr often works with clients on large, complex—and sometimes controversial—engineering and environmental projects, for which we provide everything from initial permitting and siting assistance through process and facility design to construction management, operations support, and closure planning. We developed a script, storyboards and dug into footage and developed an engaging anthem video for use on their website.


Barr has worked with clients in the energy sector for over 40 years, providing environmental and engineering services. Barr is able to start from the first feasibility studies and regulatory negotiations through construction and startup to closure; and recommend both innovative and practical solutions that meet changing regulations, markets, and political climates.

C+S worked in collaboration with Barr to write a script, storyboard and edit sourcing unique stock footage to tell Barr's story to the Power category.


For over four decades, Barr has provided engineering and environmental services for clients working on oil and gas exploration and production, at refineries, with pipelines and terminals, with natural-gas distribution systems, and with renewables. C+S developed a series of animations to demonstrate the full range of Barr's capabilities told in an engaging and compelling story.


Barr has been measuring per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the U.S. for two decades. Because of this experience, Barr developed a plan for the City of Bemidji to develop a water treatment facility to serve the community now and in the future.

C+S brought the full range of our capabilities together to shoot live interviews on multiple sites; develop a storyboard to insure a comprehensive story highlighting Barr's experience and expertise; editing, mixing and color correcting the video.