Insight Brewing Social Media

Grain, hops, yeast and water. Those 4 ingredients are the base of all beer. But, not all beer is created equal and no one is doing more to prove that then the folks behind Insight Brewing. From hiring some of the best brewers and staff to a complete rebrand, things are changing and changing fast over off East Hennepin Ave.

CRASH+SUES was asked to take over Insight’s social media marketing in order to help to tell their unique story and the stories of their craft partners as well. From copywriting to design to scheduling and managing the posts, we are creating content that leverages social channels to elevate Insight to the top of Minneapolis’ craft beer scene. The taste tests are a nice part of our “research” too!



Meet the Intern | Roman Zych

CRASH+SUES is happy to welcome intern Roman Zych to the team!
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Vectra has AI on it!

C+S pulled out all the stops using character- and 3D animation, creative edit and sound design to bring some nasty cyber monsters to life!
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Live. Love. And discover Vivamor!

A dash of motion design, a pinch of live action, a splash (literally) of 3D, an explosion of inclusions, a few fluid simulations, and a heap of compositing brought this mixed media project the bold vibrant energy that the brand exudes to life.
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