Core Value #3: We Are United

Just as a rope is constructed from a bundle of yarn or twine twisted together to create a larger + stronger form, the team at C+S is made stronger by the "united" efforts of each + every individual. While we may each have different strengths, we know that pooling our talents allows good ideas to become great... + great ideas even better.  Execution improves too, when egos and job descriptions are set aside + everyone works in tandem toward a specific vision + goal. It's not only part of our culture, it's fundamental to all our client relationships.

Looking to make stronger connections in 2015? Give us a call!   --Kara Wayne

core value, we are united


Meet the Intern | Roman Zych

CRASH+SUES is happy to welcome intern Roman Zych to the team!
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Vectra has AI on it!

C+S pulled out all the stops using character- and 3D animation, creative edit and sound design to bring some nasty cyber monsters to life!
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Live. Love. And discover Vivamor!

A dash of motion design, a pinch of live action, a splash (literally) of 3D, an explosion of inclusions, a few fluid simulations, and a heap of compositing brought this mixed media project the bold vibrant energy that the brand exudes to life.
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