Arctic Wolf Gets Nostalgic

Aaah nostalgia. The thing I find myself most nostalgic for are the video games from my childhood. The graphics were terrible, the stories lackluster and the difficulty level next-to-impossible….but I still find myself nostalgic for the 8-bit time-wasters that would frustrate me to no end. Turns out I’m not alone. Arctic Wolf wanted to tap into that digital nostalgia for a tradeshow and asked CRASH+SUES to help. The booth they operated had a giant display and they wanted some attention grabbing visuals to get people to stop. Chris Levin and Eric Riggs created a 20 minute loop to do just that. Here’s some snippets from that program.



Arctic Wolf | Customer Highlight Video

Arctic Wolf partnered with C+S to produce a dynamic video showcasing customer testimonials that emphasize the company’s mission: to eliminate cyber risk worldwide.
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Maximize Your Marketing Budget: Harness the Power of Stock Footage

At CRASH+SUES, we specialize in transforming your goals into reality. In the fast-paced world of marketing, creating high-quality video content can be a game-changer.
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Streamline Your Media with MediaMongoose

In the fast-paced world of video production and digital content creation, efficient media management is crucial. Enter MediaMongoose, a cutting-edge Media Asset Management (MAM) service provided by CRASH+SUES.
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