Miller Ingenuity | ZoneGuard

The motion graphics piece we developed and worked on for Miller Ingenuity’s ZoneGuard protection systems is supposed to look and feel like a high-end 3D animation created in Cinema4D without actually opening up a single 3D program within the process. We focused on design to carry the piece and used an isometric grid design to create a sense of depth that feels futuristic and visually dynamic. We wanted to keep this sophisticated, innovative tone throughout the animation through the use of cool grays as shadows, consistent motion graphics elements to unify the project, and compelling camera movement.

Miller’s project helped us challenge our skills in pushing our skills in 2D animation and motion graphics to see our limitations with the isometric style and After Effects. It’s been a lot of fun problem solving and figuring out the best solution that works for the situation and we’re so happy to have worked with the team at Miller Ingenuity to do this!

2D Animation, 3D Animation, Animation, Motion Graphics


Meet the Intern | Roman Zych

CRASH+SUES is happy to welcome intern Roman Zych to the team!
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Vectra has AI on it!

C+S pulled out all the stops using character- and 3D animation, creative edit and sound design to bring some nasty cyber monsters to life!
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Live. Love. And discover Vivamor!

A dash of motion design, a pinch of live action, a splash (literally) of 3D, an explosion of inclusions, a few fluid simulations, and a heap of compositing brought this mixed media project the bold vibrant energy that the brand exudes to life.
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